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This is one of the first AI generated art cover with DALL·E 2

August, 2022

A4 - 1.png

Hennesy, FLY

my first ai art cover for the perfect summer song


I have been writing AI assisted Medium Stories consistently

for past two years!

 published over diverse 40 topics

Duplicate my Figma Community Files

and start experimenting!

 duplicated more than 8830 times 

A series designed to document and celebrate the work of independent creators.

This project explores the question,

"What makes a person creative?"

Max van Leeuwen is a Creative Technologist known for his playful and innovative AR experiments.

Neslihan Akkurt is a social creative who excels at connecting brands and their audiences.

Andriü Green is a talented film director, producer, and writer based in Amsterdam.

Marianne Pierré is a talented painter, workshop host, and theater technician in the Netherlands.

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